The Conley Sisters' Fight To Save Huron Cemetery
 Lyda's Law Certificate has the masculine pronouns crossed out and feminine pronouns written in. (click for full view)
1902 Graduation Roster of Kansas City University School of Law
(Click for entire program)

      The first thing researchers must do is familiarize themselves with the available sources.  In many cases, there are  a mixture of types of sources ranging from written sources to oral histories to primary sources and secondary sources   These sources sometimes present problems in that they may contain some contradictions.   Careful note taking is the first step in making order of these often disorderly sources.

    The sources also contain more information than needed to answer the research question.  Only take notes on the parts of each source that answers the research question.  Use the procedures below to take notes on  each source.

     Use direct quotes or paraphrases when taking notes, and be sure to include the page numbers - or electronic benchmarks - needed to locate the source.

    Always include the essential publication material that will be needed for research citations later.  A basic format for a note card might look like this:

Author's Name           Title of Resource       Pages Referenced     Publication Information
(Last, First)

Notes on Resource:

